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諸葛亮字孔明號臥龍,生於公元181年農曆七月廿三日,山東沂南縣人,逝於公元234年秋天,陝西岐山縣五丈原軍中,享年五十四歲。為當時三國之蜀漢王朝丞相。孔明先師是我國歷史上最卓越的政治家和軍事家之一。有天下第一軍師之美稱。少年時正值東漢末年軍閥混戰。壯志難酬,遂隱居躬耕南陽隆中。劉備屯新野,經徐庶推薦,與關羽、張飛三人三顧茅廬方得相見。 亮時年二十七,未出茅廬天下三分已定。備遂以亮為軍師,後又進封丞相。亮輔佐劉備父子二十八年如一日 ,于亂世之中,歷盡艱辛為復興漢室奮鬥不息,鞠躬盡瘁死而後已。




啟示玄機院管理委員會主任委員  石朝圳

Yuchih township Qi-Shi Xuan-Ji Temple ( Conming Temple)
Zhuge Liang, named Conming, also called Wolong, he was borned in A.C.181, Shandong Province, Yinan county, and passed away in the Autamn of A.C. 234 in Shanxi Qishan, died in the age of 54 year-old. He was the chancellor of the three Kingdoms period of Shu Han in Chinese history; Conming was one of the most excellent politician and military strategist. He is highly recognized as the greatest strategist of his era.

By the time there were war affairs occurred in the year of East Han, and he was in the early young age. He had great aspirations which hardly realized, and he leaded a simple life in privacy, farming by day and studying at nights in Nanyang Longzhong. Liu Bei was in Xinye, and Xu Shu recommended Conming to Liu Bei, who had personally visited Conming three times and finally met Conming with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Conming was 27 year-old, he had predicted the international affairs before he left his hometown. Liu Bei assigned Conming as his strategist, and then Conming became a chancellor. Conming had served for Liu Bei for 28 years in his era, and he had experienced difficult times to revive han dynasty, Conming dedicated his life until his death.

As a chancellor with his excellent abilities, with ample wisdom, uncompromising honesty of spirit, Conming had gained the compliments from people. After his death, he had been recognized as the wisdom incarnation of Chinese people. Also he is commonly regarded as a good model of dedication and devotion to Chinese culture.
He is one of the most respectful great man in Chinese history. According to Ming-Sheng-Jing, Conming was a star sign of Guang Hui star, after three times of transmigration he will never come to this world. His soul goes to heaven, his name is holy chancellor, honesty and loyal celestial man.

The first one temple to commemorate Zhuge Liang is located in Shanxi province, built in A.C. 795. After that, there are more than one hundred of temples were constructed, the special units in China, includes in Hubei province, Xiangyang, Longzhang, in Henan province, Namyang city, WolongGang, in Sichuan province, Chengdu city, Conming museum, in Hubei province, Pu-Sisian Red Cliff, in Sichuan province, Fenjie Baidichang, in Yunnan province, Baoshansian Da-Bao city, in Gansu, lisian, ci-chan-bao, and in Shaanxi province, ci-chansian, wu-Jhang-Yuan. As for the temple that mainly worship Zhuge Liang, there has only one temple located in Nantou county, Yuchih township, which is Ci-Shih Syuan-Ji Temple in the world.

The segregate name is the highest military advicer, holy chancellor, Conming. In A.C. 1981, there was a statue of Conming built. And started to break ground at the right side of the temple.

The statue is 30 meters high, and in A.C. 1985, December the temple was officially rebuilt completely, and there was a celebration ceremony held.

From the ancient time until current era, the prophetic words from Conming was the prediction that before he left Nanyang, the three kingdoms would lead to the inevitable outcome. He already foresaw that he would dedicate his life to a cause and he couldn’t change the situation with all power. Because heaven considered the world was degrading, people’s morality were not good, there must be something to be done to justify the world, heaven and earth, Ding Chou year is not ji mao year, meaning the ji mao year has not proceed to five years. It will be disasters coming to the world. The universe has changed to a different world. If people can give up competing against with each other, then the planet will be becoming a better place. The society will become more peaceful, and the political parties have no conflicts, the cultural population is peaceful, and this will lead to a strong and powerful economy for a country, to seek for the happiness for the all human beings. As Taiwanese we vow to have a peaceful and safer society, and world peace.

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